Ventnor Heritage Centre

"To Collect, Record and preserve the rich heritage and history of Ventnor and surrounding villages, and share it with local and wider communities"

Museum re-opening 2022: important information for your visit |

Museum re-opening 2022: important information for your visit

February 2022: This information is currently being updated in view of new Government advice

We look forward to welcoming visitors to our newly refurbished and redecorated Museum – a warm welcome by our friendly Volunteers awaits you! We hope you will enjoy your visit and would like to assure you that our number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of both our visitors and volunteers.

We are open three days a week – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10.00-4.00 each day.

Please note that from 19th July, due to the uncertainty of the Covid situation, we will be continuing with the safety measures we have put in place (see below). We ask for your co-operation and understanding with this decision which we will be reviewing regularly.

We have Covid-secure measures in place:

  • Our Volunteers have been trained in hygiene and social distancing and we have made sure they have all necessary PPE.
  • Hand sanitizers are available
  • A one way system is in place
  • We are carrying out more frequent cleaning
  • We have carried out the required Risk Assessment

And we ask our Visitors:

  • To be kind and patient with our Volunteers
  • Not to visit if feeling unwell
  • To support NHS Track and Trace, as we are now legally required to record your contact details and the date of your visit.
  • To wear a face covering inside the building and sanitize your hands on entrance.
  • To follow one way system and keep socially distance where possible
  • Please note we now accept contactless payments as well as cash.
  • Please also note we do not have toilet facilities for public use.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our re-opening.

Exhibitions, stories, images . . .

Oh Day of Days! New Book and Exhibition

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in June 1944, we are launching a booklet and exhibition highlighting Ventnor’s (and the Isle of Wight’s) role in the invasion and the experiences of local people. The Isle of Wight was closer to the Normandy beaches than any other part of Britain, and the Ventnor district hosted vital facilities such as the RAF radar station, a Royal Navy wireless interception station and the main radio station used for communication between the high command and the invasion forces.  The exhibition will be available from 5 June 2024, and features the logbook (supervisors’ diary) from RAF Ventnor covering 17 May to 12 June 1944, currently on loan to the Ventnor Heritage Centre. The new booklet, “Oh Day of Days!”  is available in the Heritage Centre, price £4, and our online shop (price £6 including postage and packing).
