Ventnor Heritage Centre

"To Collect, Record and preserve the rich heritage and history of Ventnor and surrounding villages, and share it with local and wider communities"

Newsletters |


Newsletters sent out to Ventnor & District Local History Society members were first produced in 2002, and almost all past newsletters are now available here in PDF format.  It’s fascinating to see how the Society has changed over the last twenty years, while always keeping local history at its core.  Sadly we are missing Newsletter No. 23, September 2013 – if anyone has a copy we would be delighted to see it!

The newsletters continued regularly until, sadly, the Covid 19 Pandemic struck, when as well as losing friends, volunteers and members, we were unable to produce or distribute regular newsletters for more than two years.  But we are back to normal now, with news of the Society and Heritage Centre  once again being sent to all our members.  We  welcome new members, so if you are interested in the local history of Ventnor and the surrounding area please join us – for details see our  Becoming a Member page.


Exhibitions, stories, images . . .

Oh Day of Days! New Book and Exhibition

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in June 1944, we are launching a booklet and exhibition highlighting Ventnor’s (and the Isle of Wight’s) role in the invasion and the experiences of local people. The Isle of Wight was closer to the Normandy beaches than any other part of Britain, and the Ventnor district hosted vital facilities such as the RAF radar station, a Royal Navy wireless interception station and the main radio station used for communication between the high command and the invasion forces.  The exhibition will be available from 5 June 2024, and features the logbook (supervisors’ diary) from RAF Ventnor covering 17 May to 12 June 1944, currently on loan to the Ventnor Heritage Centre. The new booklet, “Oh Day of Days!”  is available in the Heritage Centre, price £4.50, and our online shop, price £6.50 (including postage and packing).
